2. Preprocessor Directives

Table 41. Preprocessor directives

Preprocessor Directives Example Description
#define #define DEBUG Defines a preprocessor symbol.
#elif #elif TEST The combination of an #else and an #if preprocessor directive.
#else #else Used after an #if to start an else block which is executed if the condition is false.
#endif #endif Marks the end of an #if/#else block.
#if #if !DEBUG Discards the sourcecode after the #if-directive if the condition is false.
#import #import "file2.asm" Imports another sourcefile.
#importif #importif !DEBUG "file2.asm" Imports another sourcefile if the given expression is evaluated to true.
#importonce #importonce Make the assembler skip the current file if it has already been imported.
#undef #undef DEBUG Removes the definition of a preprocessor symbol.