2.2. An Example Interrupt

Below is a little sample program to quickly get you started using Kick Assembler. It sets up an interrupt, which play some music. It shows you how to use non-standard features such as comments, how to use macros, how to include external files and how to use the BasicUpstart2-macro which inserts a basic sys-line to start your program.

This should be enough to get you (kick) started.

//   Simple IRQ
        * = $4000 “Main Program”
start:  lda #$00
        sta $d020
        sta $d021
        lda #$00
        jsr $1000    // init music
        lda #<irq1
        sta $0314
        lda #>irq1
        sta $0315
        lda #$7f
        sta $dc0d
        sta $dd0d
        lda #$81
        sta $d01a
        lda #$1b
        sta $d011
        lda #$80
        sta $d012
        lda $dc0d
        lda $dd0d
        asl $d019
        jmp *

irq1:   asl $d019
        jsr $1003    // play music
        jmp $ea81

        *=$1000 “Music”
        .import binary “ode to 64.bin”

// A little macro
.macro SetBorderColor(color) {
        lda #color
        sta $d020