11.6. File Parameters

Now let's get some files from different sources on the disk:

.disk [filename="MyDisk.d64", name="THE DISK", id="2021!" ] 
        [name="----------------", type="rel"                            ],
        [name="BORDER COLORS   ", type="prg",  segments="BORDER_COLORS" ],
        [name="BACK COLORS     ", type="prg<", segments="BACK_COLORS"   ],
        [name="HIDDEN          ", type="prg",  hide, segments="HIDDEN"  ],
        [name="----------------", type="rel"                            ],
        [name="MUSIC FROM PRG  ", type="prg", prgFiles="data/music.prg" ],
        [name="MUSIC FROM SID  ", type="prg", sidFiles="data/music.sid" ],
        [name="----------------", type="rel"                            ],

        .segment BORDER_COLORS []
start1: inc $d020
        jmp *-3

        .segment BACK_COLORS []
start2: dec $d021
        jmp *-3

        .segment HIDDEN []

The content of a file is done using an intermediate segment, which gives a wide range possibilities of specifying input. In the example, the content of the first three prg files comes from the segments specified below. The third uses a prg file from the hard drive and the fourth the content of a sid file. For all the possibilities of working with intermediate segments, see the segments chapter.

The 'name' and 'type' parameters specifies the name and type of the file. Notice the '<' at the end of the second prg type which means the file is locked.

The third prg file is not shown in the directory due to the 'hide' option. You can get its start track and sector by using the 'showInfo' disk parameter.

A complete list of parameters is given here.

Table 11.3. General File parameters

Parameters Default Example Description
hide false hide If set to true, the file will not be shown in the directory.
interleave The disks default interleave = 10 Sets the interleave of the file.
name "" name="NOTE" The filename
noStartAddr false noStartAddr If set to true the two address bytes won't be added as the two first file bytes on the disk.
type "prg" type="prg<" The type of the file. Available types are: "del", "seq", "prg", "usr", "rel". You can append a "<" to the end of the type to mark it as locked