Quick Reference

1. Command Line Options

Table 40. Command Line Options

Option Example Description
-afo -afo Allows file output outside the output dir.
-aom -aom Allow overlapping memory blocks. With this option, overlapping memory blocks will produce a warning instead of an error.
-asminfo -asminfo all Turn on exporting of assemble info
-asminfofile -asminfofile myAsmInfo.txt Tells where to output the asminfo file.
-asminfotostdout -asminfoToStdOut Directs asminfo to stdout instead of a file (Note that parameternames are case insensitive which can be used to do it more readable)
-binfile -binfile Sets the output to be a bin file instead of a prg file. The difference between a bin and a prg file is that the bin file doesn’t contain the two start address bytes.
-bytedump -bytebump Dumps the assembled bytes in the file ByteDump.txt together with the code that generated them.
-bytedumpfile -bytebumpfile myfile.txt Same as -bytedump but with an argument specifying the name of the file
-cfgfile -cfgfile "../../MyConfig.Cfg" Use additional configuration file (like KickAss.cfg). Supply the file as an absolute path, or a path relative to the source file. You can have as many additional config files as you want.
-debug -debug For development use. Adds additional debug info, like stacktraces, to the output.
-debugdump -debugdump Dumps an infofile for c64 debugger that maps assembled bytes to locations in the sourcecode.
-define -define DEBUG Defines a preprocessor symbol.
-dtv -dtv Enables DTV opcodes.
-excludeillegal -excludeillegal Exclude the illegal opcodes from the instruction set
-execute -execute "x64 +sound" Execute a given program with the assembled file as argument. You can use this to start a C64 emulator with the assembled program if the assembling is successful.
-executelog -executelog execlog.txt If set, this generates a logfile for the output of the program executed using the '-execute' option.
-fillbyte -fillbyte 255 Sets the byte used to fill the space between memoryblocks in the prg file.
-libdir -libdir ../stdLib Defines a library path where the assembler will look when it tries to open external files.
-log -log logfile.txt Prints the output of the assembler to a logfile.
-maxaddr -maxaddr 8191 Sets the upper limit for the memory, default is 65535. Setting a negative value means unlimited memory.
-mbfiles -mbfiles One file will be saved for each memory block instead of one big file.
-noeval -noeval Parse the sourcecode but exit before evaluation.
-nooutput -nooutput If set, this will disable output of files during assembling.
-o -o dots.prg Sets the output file. Default is the input filename with a ‘.prg’ as suffix.
-odir -odir out Sets the output dir. Outputfiles will be output in this dir (or relative to this dir)
-pseudoc3x -pseudoc3x Enables semicolon between pseudocommand arguments.
-replacefile -replacefile c:\source.asm c:\replacement.asm Replaces a given sourcefile with another everytime it's referred.
-showmem -showmem Show a memory map after assembling.
-symbolfile -symbolfile Genrates a .sym file with the resolved symbols. The file can be used in other sources with the .import source directive.
-symbolfiledir -symbolfiledir sources/symbolfiles Specifies the folder in which the symbolfile is written. If none is given, its written next to the sourcefile.
-time -time Displays the assemble time.
-vicesymbols -vicesymbols Generates a label file for VICE.
-warningsoff -warningsoff Turns off warning messages.
:name= :x=34 :version=beta2 :path="c:/C 64/" The ‘:’ notation denotes string variables passed to the script. They can be accessed by using the ‘cmdLineVars’ hashtable which is available from the script.